Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Killing an Arab

More grist for the anti-American mill in countries around the world: "Senate Rejects Limits on Cluster Bombs".

Apparently, close to 40% of the cluster bombs dropped on Lebanon (many of which were supplied to Israel by the United States) during the recent Israel-Hezbollah war did not explode when they hit the ground. Tragically, even though the war is over, these cluster bombs (like land mines) continue to kill Lebanese civilians who are unfortunate enough to stumble upon them. Wouldn't it be a little more civilized (if waging war could ever be anything but barbaric) if we restricted our munitions to those that kill and destroy only during a war?

Of course, the Republican chicken hawks defend the maiming and killing of non-combatants (read: innocent children, women, and men) by insisting that restricting the use of cluster bombs will somehow hamper with the defense of the Republic (read: terrorists lurk everywhere! -- be very afraid! -- don't question what we're doing, it's unpatriotic and comforts the enemy!).

Does wrapping oneself in the flag keep the spray of innocent blood off one's fancy suit -- especially if the blood and guts are from brown-skinned, Muslim bodies? Most surprisingly, it's worked so far for Dubya with American soldiers (according to CNN, as of September 5th, 2,647 US troops have been killed in Iraq). The Israelis already are ready to dump Prime Minister Olmert for mucking up their war on terror (and he hasn't even bankrupted his country or trampled all over their nation's constitution yet)!

Certainly, the deaths of who knows how many thousands of civilian Iraqis in our effort to spread freedom and democracy in the Middle East through wholesale death and destruction seems not to trouble many self-proclaimed Christians in the Bush administration and in Congress...they're too busy figuring out new schemes for cutting taxes for the rich and those lucky GOP-connected corporations!

* * * *
"Killing an Arab" refers to a song by The Cure, which is based on "The Stranger," by Albert Camus (Bush claims to have read this book over the summer at Laura's recommendation).


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