Monday, October 10, 2005

Mirror in the Bathroom

It's kind of pathetic, but at least it's something: the U.S. government is sending only 8 military choppers (plus the promise of $50 million in cash that we have to borrow) to help with the relief effort in Pakistan, after the horrific earthquake there killed 20,000+ souls.

Here we are, the sole superpower, yet our volunteer military is stretched to the breaking point by wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, plus we're so deep in the hole paying for them (latest tally= over $350 billion) and the generous tax breaks to the rich and corporate America that we simply can't afford to help out the Pakistanis. God knows, we can't even help our own in Louisiana and Mississippi. (Paul Krugman comments in today's New York Times that he thinks there is no plan or intent by the Bush administration to fund any post-Katrina reconstruction effort in the Gulf states at all!).

Considering how poor our image is in the Arab world, you'd think that the Bushies would pull out all the stops to help out this Muslim country in the midst of this disaster (and keep proping up General Musharraf). But you'd be wrong. They'll probably send Karen Hughes to lecture Pakistani women about how she knows how hard it is to be a working Mom of faith, and that we don't want to kill all of the Muslims in the world, just torture the Muslim men who might or might not be terrorists and keep them in jail indefinitely...

Speaking of Guantanamo Bay and Abu Gharib...seems like there is some common sense lurking on Capitol Hill after all: the Senate attached a ban on the U.S. military's use of torture to a defense spending bill -- and Bush has threatened to veto it (you can't get any more pro-torture than that, Georgie)!

Makes you wonder who Jesus would torture... Does Dubya ever think about that on his bike rides?


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