Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Better Must Come

While I'm not surprised about all of the pathological lying that has taken place during the vast dark nightmare of Bush, Inc. (these neocon a-holes will say and do anything to achieve their twisted ideological ends), I have to admit to being a bit depressed by the idea that Scooter Libby lied to Patrick Fitzgerald back in October 2004 about the Valerie Plame case -- essentially, he stonewalled the grand jury investigation -- so that none of what has just taken place in the past week would have interrupted the final weeks of the 2004 Presidential campaign. (And you damn well know that Libby has been promised by Cheney or Rove that Bush will pardon him come the final, blessed dayz of his term.) Would Dubya have been re-elected if Libby were indicted in October 2004, and it looked like Rove and Cheney had been involved in the outing and subsequent cover-up? I don't think so. Especially if one considers how quickly the public soured on Bush in the first half of 2005, as the Iraq war continued its numbingly bloody course, and he tried to sell the fleecing of Social Security to us as the solution to all our problems.

They stole the election in 2000 and again in 2004.


I do take comfort that the history books will very likely rate George W. Bush as one of the worst Presidents in US history, and his administration as one of the most corrupt and incompetent ever. Check in with me ten, twenty years from now and you'll see that I'm dead on right, dude. I mean it, man.


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4:58 PM  

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