Friday, September 30, 2005

I Love a Man in a Uniform

So, John Roberts was sworn in as the Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court yesterday, with a tearful and smug Dubya at his side (no doubt thinking that he FINALLY made good on Rove's Faustian deal with the religious right). During the time it takes for the court cases regarding privacy, etc. to bubble up to the Supremes, you might want to: stock up on birth control (we're talking Costco-megasized here, Roberts is on the bench for life); get that safe and legal abortion you've always been thinking about; file that complaint/lawsuit about being wronged because of your race (non-white), ethnicity (methinks it will not be a good time to be of Arab descent and come under suspicion of anti-American activity), gender (female), sexual orientation (gay, transgendered), or injury (non-rich, non-Bush corporate crony), or religion (non-evangelical protestant); take out some books targeted for burning before they're ash or politically unpopular books from the library before the Feds open their file on you; bone up on the theory of evolution so you can help pass it on orally to the next generation of liberals; or generally exercise your civil rights as a citizen of these United States without all sorts of (up till now) Constitutionally prohibited interference from the government.

Ah, to be rich, male, white, born-again, and conservative in America...your government salutes you for your ongoing patriotism!

For the rest us, the clock is ticking, people! Get on it!


Blogger JaG said...

Hi! I'm on a quest to leave 100 comments in the blogosphere and you're #49!!

4:53 PM  

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