Punky Reggae Party
On IFC last night, I happened to catch most of Don Lett's new documentary, "Punk Attitude." The majority of the archival footage was new to me, and the present day interviews with members of The NY Dolls, Ramones, Clash, Damned, Slits, etc. were pretty insightful. In fact, it makes a great visual companion to the book "Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk," by Legs McNeil and Gillian McCain, which I commented on here. Gotta find out when this sucker's on again...
Also, if you're kind of obsessed about New York City in the 70s, as I am, you might want to check out Allan Tannenbaum's photo book "New York in the 70s." He was the house photographer for the Soho Weekly News, and captured some of the incredibly wild stuff that was going down at the time. Check out some on-line photo galleries of his terrific photographs here, here, and here.
Also, if you're kind of obsessed about New York City in the 70s, as I am, you might want to check out Allan Tannenbaum's photo book "New York in the 70s." He was the house photographer for the Soho Weekly News, and captured some of the incredibly wild stuff that was going down at the time. Check out some on-line photo galleries of his terrific photographs here, here, and here.
Thanks, Ken. And since I live in the city and either walk or take the subway to work, I'm doing my part to save on gas...
And how many miles to the gallon does that Monster truck you own get?
Sorry, just had to out you.
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Oh, the shame of it all...yes, just before gas prices skyrocketed, I bought a very used Jeep Cherokee for trips to the country (not for daily, commuter use). The next car I buy will be a Toyota hybrid, I swear!!
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