Tuesday, February 01, 2005

My Name is Might Have Been

Remember when a grown-up would ask you what you wanted to be when you grow up? And you would eagerly tell them that you wanted to be some variation of fireman, astronaut, or veterinarian that you had read about or seen on TV. Adults would tell you that you could be anything you wanted to be if you applied yourself hard enough…even President of the United States.

Fast forward, and for the lucky few, a million variables come up triple cherry and are able to realize their dreams.

The rest of us settle, take what we can. We get by on diminished expectations. Or the better of two bad choices. Some kick and scream on the way down to their knees. We need our anti-depressants to make it through another bloody day at the office, dear. Potential is a dirty word.

We hope that our kids will be more successful than we were. Pin all of our tarnished hopes on them. And try to forget that we didn’t make it. That we let down that sweet kid from so long ago whose brilliant dreams are gone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be careful you don't start taking "successful" to mean what it meant to your parents, which is the reason most of us don't feel like we are, even if we totally are! To steal from Hilary Swank's mother, when asked if her daughter up for the Oscar again was her dream for her, she answered, "My dream for her was to be happy and do what she wanted to be doing. So, if that's what she is, then I guess she's living my dream for her."

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dalai Lama: Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.

11:28 AM  

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