TV Party
Not exactly like spotting Bill Clinton on the A train, but I’ll take it.
Here's what Republicans of conscience have to understand about the machinations of Karl Rove and company. Fear isn't some emotion that can be easily bottled back up after it's been -- viciously -- unleashed. It isn't a once-every-four-years vehicle that can be wheeled out for a few months, then stowed back in the garage to be retooled for the next election cycle. Encouraging fundamentalist preachers to pound their pulpits and inveigh against gay people has consequences. It puts men and women in communities across this country at personal and professional risk. There's nothing more despicable than creating a phony political issue (just how many gay couples are clamoring for marriage certificates in the state of Ohio, anyhow?) and preying on people's prejudices.
So now it's up to discerning Republicans to wrestle with this quandary: You won all right, but at what cost? What happened to the party that once shared Abraham Lincoln's faith in the "better angels of our nature"? That fifth-grade teacher taught me to appreciate how -- through Lincoln's resolve -- our nation overcame a cataclysm of hate to stop the Union from dissolving. Back then, certain avatars of ignorance were called Know-Nothings, which, come to think of it, is an apt description of more than a few right-wingers today.
"Our progress in degeneracy appears to me to be pretty rapid," Lincoln wrote in the years leading up to the Civil War. "As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it 'all men are created equal, except Negroes.' When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except Negroes and foreigners and Catholics.' When it comes to this, I shall prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty -- to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure and without the base alloy of hypocrisy."
There are a lot of Republicans troubled by their party's exploitation of contemporary know-nothingism. You know who you are. And before your party's degeneracy is complete, you ought to do something about it. Because camouflaging the fear and loathing of gay people as "moral values" isn't the base alloy of hypocrisy. It's hypocrisy itself. (Timothy Gay in the Washington Post, November 16, 2004)
Mainstream, even liberal, churches also provide a range of services, from soup kitchens to support groups. What makes the typical evangelicals' social welfare efforts sinister is their implicit--and sometimes not so implicit--linkage to a program for the destruction of public and secular services. This year the connecting code words were "abortion" and "gay marriage": To vote for the candidate who opposed these supposed moral atrocities, as the Christian Coalition and so many churches strongly advised, was to vote against public housing subsidies, childcare and expanded public forms of health insurance. While Hamas operates in a nonexistent welfare state, the Christian right advances by attacking the existing one.Gee, all these "love thy neighbor" moments courtesy of Bush and the evangelical "Christian" right are giving me a such a warm fuzzy head rush that I might. Pass. Out.
Of course, Bush's faith-based social welfare strategy only accelerates the downward spiral toward theocracy. Not only do the right-leaning evangelical churches offer their own, shamelessly proselytizing social services; not only do they attack candidates who favor expanded public services--but they stand to gain public money by doing so. It is this dangerous positive feedback loop, and not any new spiritual or moral dimension of American life, that the Democrats have failed to comprehend: The evangelical church-based welfare system is being fed by the deliberate destruction of the secular welfare state.
“The Geneva Conventions were ratified by the US Senate in the 1950s, making them "the highest law of the land" under the Constitution.The Constitution and Bill of Rights (which are worth reading over in these troubled times) are the sacred precepts of this nation, and the brilliant Founding Fathers would be OUTRAGED by King George’s abuse of his power. The president is not above the law, but sworn to defend the Constitution, which he has clearly violated in regard to the treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay and by authorizing the use of torture at Abu Ghraib. If there is any justice in the world, Bush will be impeached for violating the War Crimes Act!
In addition, the Republican-led Congress in 1996 passed the War Crimes Act, which President Clinton signed. That law makes any "grave breach" of the conventions committed by a US official a domestic felony for which punishment could mean the death penalty. Not giving a prisoner of war the fair trial prescribed by the conventions is one of a short list of violations considered to be a "grave breach."
In a once-secret memo written on Jan. 25, 2002, by White House counsel Alberto R. Gonzales, Bush's top lawyer warned that prosecutors in a later administration could bring "unwarranted charges" against high-level Bush administration officials for war crimes as a result of their treatment of Al Qaeda members captured after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Gonzales noted in the memo, leaked to the media earlier this year, that a critical advantage in declaring that Al Qaeda and Taliban fighters did not have protections under the Geneva Conventions is that it "substantially reduces the threat of domestic criminal prosecution under the War Crimes Act."
The memo, lawyers for Guantanamo Bay detainees have contended, demonstrates that the administration was aware of the laws of war but sought to avoid them.”
"Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow."Sounds like he’s describing a hunk in Honcho or one of the Village People, doesn’t it?
"Explosives used in some of Iraq's major terror bombings were the same type as those missing from a dump monitored by the UN, the Daily News has learned.The Daily News article kind of omits the fact that the United States failed to guard the Al Qaqaa weapons site right after the invasion, despite repeated warnings from UN inspectors before the invasion. Now, just where does the buck stop in this administration?
Forensic tests by a joint task force at the Quantico, Va., Marine base show the bombers who leveled the United Nations and Jordanian missions in Iraq, and who staged other big attacks, used RDX and HMX military-grade high explosives, said a government source briefed on the findings. Both types of munitions were under seal at the Al Qaqaa site near Baghdad."