Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I Love a Man in a Uniform

So, let’s just lay it out in the sun for all to see. As defined by Karl Rove and the evangelical Christian right, moral values equals a hatred of gay people and an insistence on subjugating women and controlling their sex lives. It’s all kind of ugly, isn’t it. Tarting it up with apple-pie-Americanism and clothing it in fundamentalist Christianity (ever so select in its reading of the Bible) managed to snare the votes of less than a third of our citizenry (some “mandate”), but who knew there were so many Americans out there actually afraid that gay people and women can somehow destroy our country by getting married or having non-procreative sex?

Hmmm…I wonder if deep down Turd Blossom, as Bush is fond of calling Karl Rove, is gay himself? (Not that there is anything wrong with being gay, but the ones yelling most loudly for a Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage may be protesting too much, if you get my drift!) I mean this is what Rove had to say when recalling when he first met Dubya:
"Huge amounts of charisma, swagger, cowboy boots, flight jacket, wonderful smile, just charisma - you know, wow."
Sounds like he’s describing a hunk in Honcho or one of the Village People, doesn’t it?

(Sincere apologies to the Village People for even thinking of comparing them to Bush.)


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